Contact us for Pricing
Up to 8 hours of coverage
All packages include:
2 assistants for photography & video.
Continuous coverage of : Preparation, Ceremony, Garden &
Package Includes:
100 Photos 4 x 6"
One 16 x 20" Enlargement
One 11 x 14" Enlargement
Four 8 x 10" Enlargements
6 Photos 5 x 7"
Complete Professional Titles
2 High quality DVDs
Menus and Submenus
Musical Introduction
Special Effects |
Contact us for Pricing
Up to 10 hours of coverage
All packages include:
2 assistants for photography & video.
Continuous coverage of : Preparation, Ceremony, Garden &
This is our most popular
package . We will be attentive to all the details as the
event progresses. From the moment that you are getting ready
for church until the festivities are in full swing.
Package Includes:
Your Photo Album with
150 Photographs (4 x 6)”
One 16 x 20" Enlargement
One 11 x 14" Enlargement
Six 8 x 10" Enlargements
10 Photos 5 x 7”"
100 - Wallets
Pre-Photo Session &
Music Video of Quinceanera.
Video slide show of the
Quinceanera from childhood to present.
One CD with all of your
digital negatives
Premium Editing and Effects
Complete Professional Titles
3 High quality DVDs
Menus and Submenus
Musical Introduction
Special Effects |
Contact us for Pricing
Up to 12 hours of coverage
All packages include:
2 assistants for photography & video. Continuous coverage of
: Preparation, Ceremony, Garden & Reception.
This is the most
comprehensive package we offer. We will be by your side to
capture every moment of your entire day. You will receive a
beautiful flush mount photo album, an album with 200 of the
best shots, as well as enlargements of your favorite prints.
Package Includes:
A beautiful digital photo album with
20 pages in 8.5 x 11"
A photo album with 200 4 x
6" photos
1- 16 x 20" enlargement
2- 11 x 14" enlargements
8- 8 x 10" enlargements
12 -5 x 7" pictures
2-CDs with all the digital negatives
100 – Wallets
Pre-Photo Session &
Music Video of Quinceanera.
Video memories slide show of
the Quinceanera from childhood to present.
Custom surprise video for
Quinceanera or parents
Complete Video Coverage
Premium Editing and Effects
Professional Titles
5 High quality DVDs
Menus and Submenus
Musical Introduction
Special Effects